Balcony Sunrise

Balcony Sunrise

The Balcony Sunrise plan is a simple one - “soundtrack your daydreams”. With over half a million streams, daydreams have been enhanced in New York and LA, in São Paulo and Seoul. Over on Instagram, a community of music fans have used this music to accompany their blissful reels of Norwegian sunsets, beach days in Cyprus and Miami mornings. Balcony Sunrise is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and is a collaborative project with brothers David and Stephen. The music is composed on synths and Ableton software and smartly picked guitar lines on a Fender Stratocaster. Producer, David Ferris, finds his inspiration in the city pop artwork of Hiroshi Nagai, in the music of The xx and the family’s old Dire Straits records. In 2022, his music was sought out by fans in 145 countries. Tunes like ‘Golden Hour’, ‘Velvet Ocean’ and ‘Sitting Poolside’ took the listener to peak experiences, real or imagined. All senses are invoked; in a world of chaos, Balcony Sunrise brings us respite.